What is Girls Rock Athens, Inc?


Girls Rock Athens was founded in 2009 by Calley Payne, and has sought to facilitate self-empower for the youth of the Athens area ever since.


MISSION: Girls Rock Athens is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating self-empowerment for girls, women, and folks of marginalized genders of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities through music education, creation, and performance. We provide leadership opportunities, build self-esteem, and provide a safe place for self-expression.


As a youth-serving community nonprofit organization, Girls Rock Athens envisions a reality that fosters opportunity, joy, and self-determined prosperity across all genders, socio-economic classes, ethnicities, and identities. To this end, we:


-provide leadership opportunities, build self-esteem, and provide a safe place for personal expression
-strive for a community that celebrates diversity and the thriving of intersecting identities
-question power structures that disenfranchise members of community based on identity
-promote activism in support of positive social norms to the collective benefit of all

In service of these core values, we:


-are committed to nurturing a camper and volunteer infrastructure that is grounded in equality by providing a space that is accessible to all regardless of ethnicity, gender identity, religious/political affiliation, socio-economic status, abilities, or primary language
-partner with organizations, individuals, and intimate communities to uplift the goals and needs of the people of Athens
-prioritize buying local and supporting organizations within our community
-strive to ensure that participants, volunteers, staff, and board of directors reflect the demographics of the community, with an emphasis on recognizing cultural competence

As a member organization of the Girls Rock Camp Alliance, GRA honors the work of the Alliance and other member camps by incorporating their goals into our current and future goals. To learn more about the work of the Alliance, please visit http://girlsrockcampalliance.org/


501c3/Tax Exempt Nonprofit? Yes, we were recently approved as a 501c3 nonprofit. Please contact: GirlsRockCampAthens@gmail.com or (706)510-7095 with any questions.


Girls Rock Athens is a member of the Girls Rock Camp Alliance but we are our own organization. Our connections with other camps are as fellow members of the Alliance where we share resources and a common goal of youth empowerment.

Girls Rock Athens is staffed, volunteered, governed, and supported by various Athens residents.

Our values are based on awareness of intersectional feminism. We value inclusion and diversity.

We do not have any religious or political affiliations.


How can I help Girls Rock Athens?


1.)Volunteer -experience needed? NOPE! -instruments needed? NOPE!

-year round:

Events Team - event planning, fundraising

Promotions Team - social media content, email communication, graphics

Program Team - camp, workshops, and other programming planning

Outreach Team - reach out to areas of the community to increase the diversity of population we serve

Opportunities Team - grant research and writing, partnership, corporate sponsorship, fundraising

-occasional - volunteer as instructors, band coaches, workshop instructors, run merch booths and info booths, and more

-Junior Volunteers - 15 - 17 years old, generally (but not limited to) previous campers who have aged out of kids programming and would like to help the next generation of campers, works alongside adult volunteers

-Can men volunteer? - It is important to us to provide kids with women and non-binary role models in positions of leadership, direct instruction, and mentorship. Some of our support volunteer positions are open to any gender. We encourage men to apply for those positions.

2.) Partner contact: GirlsRockCampAthens@gmail.com

3.) Donate -financial

- on our website: http://www.girlsrockathensga.org/donate/

-buy our merch!

-mail in: GIRLS ROCK ATHENS PO Box 423 Athens, Georgia 30603

-write a check right now? (made out to Girls Rock Athens, Inc)

-in-kind donations: what does Girls Rock Athens need? (see last page for current list)

How do I sign up to Volunteer?

contact us through our webpage or via email

Experience needed? NONE

Instruments needed? NONE

Background check needed? YES, you will be required to pass a background check, especially when working with the children


What kind of programming do you offer?


Girls Rock Camp - Girls Rock Camp is a week long day camp held in the summer for ages 9-15. The kids pick an instrument, form bands, write and record their music, and participate in a number of workshops throughout the week.  In the past these workshops have included: Self Defense, Healthy Relationships, Media Literacy and Body Image, DIY Merch, History of Women who Rock and Rap, Punk Rock Aerobics, and more!


Girls Rock Camp FAQs

-age: 9-15

-why GIRLS Rock Camp? - We love that there are other music programs available to all genders but our goal is to offer an environment that provides role models for youth of marginalized genders who encourage participants to work together and to break down gender stereotypes. This safe space allows the youth to express themselves how they want without expectation based on their gender. We value free expression and the camp provides a place for the youth to explore what they can do outside of their everyday norm.

-Do the participants have to like or want to play rock n’ roll? - No. Campers, instructors, and volunteers are into all genres of music. We expose the youth to a variety of styles and encourage them to be creative. The music that the campers’ bands play is a result of input from each participant and cooperation within the musical groups formed each session.

-location - in athens, address provided when application is accepted

-cost - $300/youth for the week

-financial aid - limited financial aid is available. partial and full financial aid may be offered. This can change year to year depending on budget.

-how to sign up - via Google Form posted on website sign up page, paper applications are available (can be mailed or picked up, pick up places vary by year)

-where to watch for information - website, Facebook, email/newsletter sign up

-experience needed? - None needed!

-instruments needed? - We provide instruments, if you do have your own we can discuss you bringing it if you prefer.

-insurance - we buy insurance to cover the participants during camp week and the showcase

-security/privacy - sign in and out, destroy health info after showcase, background checks will be run on all volunteers and staff who will be on premises with children

-is food provided? - currently we do not provide meals to avoid issues with needs/preferences/allergies, if meals are a need please contact GirlsRockCampAthens@gmail.com or call (706)510-7095 and we will work something out for your camper

-transportation provided? - not currently. We recognize this issue and hope to find a solution in the future. Your input on this is welcome!



Grown Assed Rock Camp- Grown Assed Rock Camp is a program that also functions as a fundraiser. It is a 3 day condensed version of the youth camp but for women (including transwomen) and nonbinary folks ages 18 and over. It usually takes place some time in the spring on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Our first LRC was held in 2015. All positions are volunteer during this week so as much of the tuition paid can go back into the organization, Girls Rock Athens.


Grown Assed Rock Camp FAQs

-age - 18 and over

-cost - $200/each or if you sign up with a friend it is $150/each

-bring a friend - $150/each

-financial aid? - Grown Assed Rock Camp is a fundraiser for Girls Rock Athens, so we do not currently provide financial aid. Tuition can be fundraised (fundraised tuitions are non-refundable) and we are considering financial aid spots in the future. Contact GirlsRockCampAthens@gmail.com or call (706)510-7095

-how to sign up- via website sign up page or via paper applications (available at our events or through request to have it mailed to your address)

-where to watch for information - sign up for email/newsletter, follow us on Facebook, check out our website!

-experience needed? NONE

-instruments needed? NONE


Future program ideas we hope to bring to our community:

-genre focused programming (electronic, hip hop, acoustic, ukulele)

-after school programming

-one-off weekend day program

-sessions (weekend day for 6? weeks)

-community workshops

-more! input welcome!

-where to watch for information: sign up for email/newsletter, follow us on Facebook, check out our website, see contact information on the following page

Contact info:


Website: GirlsRockAthensGA.org

Address: GIRLS ROCK ATHENS    //    PO Box 423    //   Athens, Georgia 30603

Facebook: Facebook.com/GirlsRockAthens

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/girlsrockathens

Tumblr: http://girlsrockathens.tumblr.com/

Snapchat: @girlsrockathens

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/GirlsRockAthens/

Email list: http://bit.ly/2DgVM3D

General email address: GirlsRockCampAthens@gmail.com

Google Voice Phone Number: (706)510-7095


Executive Director info: Jennifer Weishaupt jennrocksathens@gmail.com


board email address: board.girlsrockathens@gmail.com


Partnership contact: General Email address: GirlsRockCampAthens@gmail.com

What does Girls Rock Athens need the most help with right now:


Volunteer - see our form or check our social media for New Volunteer Orientation Announcements

Donations - see our Donations Page